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Navigating the Road to Excellence







01 Problem

TruKKer, MENA's leading logistics and transportation company, identified a need to raise awareness about its advanced Transport Management System, Pulse, among both carriers and shippers. Despite offering cutting-edge technology, there was a lack of comprehensive understanding among their target audience about the features and benefits of Pulse.

02 Approach & Solution

We devised a two-fold strategy involving the creation of two key videos - a presentation video and an awareness video. The goal was to highlight the functionalities, ease of use, and the transformative impact Pulse could have on streamlining logistics operations.

03 Impact

The key results that our videos achieved are:
- Increased Platform Adoption.
- Positive Feedback.
- Increased Engagement.

04 Conclusion

The strategic use of presentation and awareness videos proved instrumental in bridging the knowledge gap among TruKKer's audience regarding the Pulse Fleet Management System. The campaign successfully translated into increased adoption, positive sentiment, and a more robust presence in the digital logistics landscape.


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